Making the Best Use of the Debt Collection Laws
You are really in trouble when in real debt. The debt collectors can call you at the workplace. In case you are facing problems, you should tell the same to the collectors, and they should stop making phone calls instantly. In case the collector calls you up, and your boss picks up the phone, the collector cannot call you back on the same number unless the boss permits you to do so. To ask the debtors to stop, you should send them a letter. On reading the details, they should stop contacting you at once. However, the debt collector can only inform you earlier regarding the various steps to be taken against you.
Best Time to Contact
According to debt collection laws, the collector can give you a call at your available timing. He can only call you when you are free. You can specify the time, and the collector would be obliged to call you at the right time. The collector can legally contact you through email and fax. The collector can communicate with you via regular mail, or he can even call you at the given number. According to FDCPA, there are no restrictions in matters of receiving text messages. It is because the text message did not exist with the passing of the Act in the year 1977.
Mode of Contact
According to the details of the Debt Collection Laws, the collector cannot call you at the odd hours of the day. The record should be there when things are frequently happening. The collector cannot call you several times a day. Such an act is considered to be harassment by FTC or Federal-State Commission. Such things are explicitly not allowed. You have the debt collection right to make the collection agency know that you disagree with the claimed amount. The mode of contact should be clear and specific.